Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Every now and then I meet someone and I can just tell they have that "edge" to them... You know, that "this guy is into cars" vibe. And of course being the nosey kind of guy I am I always have to ask! And in this case I am glad I did because I got turned onto one very cool VW club right here in my own back yard! 

Matthew is one of the members that I met by chance and I was impressed by his commitment to his club and his love for the cars. The club is called Drivers Wanted VW and they welcome all VW's , air cooled or water cooled.

If you have one come hang out with these guys! Matthew says they take all VW's, from rusty wrecks to trailer queens, they want to see them all. 

The club meets every Saturday at 5pm in the Porter Ranch parking lot next to IN-N-OUT. All ages welcome. I don't have a VW (although after checking out the scene I may have to change that!) but I am going to hang out with these guys and check out their sick rides! Hope to see some of our fans out there too!

Here are a few more pics - enjoy!